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With the recent funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, now is a better time than ever to save money using Sunrock's PPA or lease offerings.

Got Sun, Go Solar!

SDG offers a turn-key solution for going solar. Sunrock Distributed Generation (SDG) works with a diverse set of organizations to eliminate the financial and logistical barriers to adopting solar.

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A customer-first experience

Benefits of working with Sunrock

We make your transition to solar simple, efficient, and transparent so that you can focus on what matters - running your business

No upfront capital expenditure

Lower your monthly electricity bill

Turn-key design & installation

Your covered for system lifetime

THE sunrock process

Solar Made Simple

Sunrock offers a turnkey process, from design and financing through to installation and long-term system maintenance. We are with you every step of the way.


Solar Project Origination

Sunrock helps businesses identify no-cost solutions to reduce their operating expenses and hedge against ever increasing electric costs by putting solar on roofs.


Project Development

We identify your renewable energy goals, evaluate site and utility data, and create a tailored solution for your organization.



Sunrock’s PPA or Lease offer is a fixed rate with no upfront cost. You realize savings from day 1 and hedge against rising utility rate.


Engineering, Procurement, & Construction

SDG has a network of trusted EPCs nationwide  to help move your project from idea to realization.


Asset Management & Optimization

We operate and maintain the solar system with a comprehensive maintenance plan to ensure smooth production over the system lifetime.